Monday, January 30, 2012

Patent attorney’s advice to enhance the value of your invention.
PCT application is the most important application and global protection application administered by WIPO. The purpose of patent corporation treaty is to provide simple and easy process of persevering legal rights to file a patent application.  There are only two phases at national and international levels, when they submit international applications at international level and at national phase, national patent applications will be filed in the designed countries of interests and choices.  You will get search report from your patent attorneys, who are legal expert to provide every kind of legal advice for various kinds of patent applications.   Legally, you should be aware about rules of PCT applications and how to file PCT applications in patent office with help of patent attorneys.  Firstly you should be aware about the rules and legal concepts of PCT Applications.  You should go directly to the Patent attorneys or legal experts for various kinds of patent applications.   You should use power of patent attorney in legal ways so that all kinds of patent applications can be fulfilled legally.  This PCT application is not general patent application. But Pct application and priority patent application may be used widely in the inventor’s home country. A date can be obtained by initial filling of the applications, a PCT application may be used properly to preserve legal rights to file same invention in all patent co-operation treaty member countries. Patent cooperation treaty applications allow candidates to get broad international documentation for an invention before submitting patent application to the patent office with the help of patent attorneys. PCT applications will be applied to the 144 pct member countries and can help you lot to radically decrease patenting costs from national, international and regional patent applications.   The PCT Patent applications are very helpful to the patents to simplify national and international patent systems by generating national and international standards.


pctfiler and the patent process

Wednesday, March 9, 2011



PCT Application India welcomes you.

File your patent application in India with experts.

Visit at or
